David..... David..... David come on wake up David open your eyes... I was fighting to open my eyes I was in the recovery room. . How time fly when your flat out on drugs and gas. David come on open your eyes the nurse kept saying to me she said it's 10 to 7 at night and Carole is waiting for you in the ward!
My eyes were heavy they didn't want to work they wanted to stay closed, I remember my mouth was as dry as a cowboys boot in a sandy desert!! 🤠
Can I please have a drink I asked the nurse, she held a cup with a straw in it and said just sips to wet your mouth because you might be sick if you drink too much!!
Eyes closed again.. Come on David open them eyes....
Eventually my eyes started to stay open but my vision was not too good. My face had swelled up my eyes were very puffy. I told the nurse who was looking after me.. She sad don't worry because you have been inverted up on the table {my wee legs were higher than my head} this ment fluid had gone to my face and so my eyes suffered. I could make out that the recovery room was full of beds I'm guessing 30 beds and all looked to have a some one in them...
I was still sleepy. But time had come to be wheeled off out and down to my ward {109} again I must have been drifting in and out of my sleep because I remember a male nurse saying it's 11pm and he was going to let Carole know that I was on the ward.... {high as a kite on drugs and I had an epidural}  I remember waking up about 1am as a nurse was doing her checks on me.... Blood pressure temperatures etc and I had oxygen tubes in my nose... And on my legs was inflatable boots that covered my feet and went all the way to just below my knees, these kept pumping up evey 10 seconds then deflating I also had my long socks still on. .. Omg it hurt to move even with my drugged up body... 🙄😒
I had a drain from my tummy, and a drain from my left buttock that went down to my bum! And to cap it all I had a urinary catheter in me... Not forgetting I now had a bag for life {not a shopping bag} but a colostomy bag... All resulting in next to nothing in sleep...  Zzzzz!
I watched the clock go round very slowly .....


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