Well it's daft O-Clock in the morning and I've been awake for a couple of hours with a big belly that's about to pop! I'm full of wind {Some say I'm always full of wind} but this I'd killing me so much painπŸ˜’πŸ˜³πŸ’¨I feel a good fart and it will be gone... But I have a Ken butt so no gas will ever pass my Cheeks again.... My colostomy bag is working so I know I don't have a blockage and also I know wind is ripping into my bag 4 life....
Maybe a good burp would help me... But I can't burp the odd little one but that not eased my pain.... It's now 03.20 and I have just been and changed my bag 4 life {I need a name for it so leave your messages of names if you like}?
And as I'm writing my blog my stoma has just ripped a few good windy farts and hell that feels better!!
My belly is gurgling away still....?
Well Wednesday 1st May was results day.... I had an appointment with Dorothy she is one of my cancer teams.
I met Caz at the hospital as she was working and so she was only a few minutes drive away. When I'd set off Caz phoned me to see if I had got my letter that I needed to take with me.... No was the answer my mind was not on the right page, it wasn't even on the same book!!
We had no idea where we was meeting Dorothy so we went to the surgical ward where I was after my op... They pointed us the the correct area we booked in with 10 mins to spare. At 2.20pm Dorothy called us. She was fantastic she put us both at ease {while waiting for our appointment Caz and I hardly spoke a word} we both knew that I didn't have any secondary cancer but we still was unsure if I needed any secondary treatment}.
Dorothy said the op went as planned and the results from the biopsies had come back and she said there is no cancer cell in any of my bits they removed {my words not hers πŸ˜‰}.So no chemotherapy for me RESULT 😊😊😊.
Just blood tests evey 6 months and a scan every year for the next 5 years....... So that was it I can say that this journey has been fast from being fast tracked by my own Doctors... I have said it a few times that the NHS has been fantastic with me especially Stoke university hospital and all its staff {Baring the hospital porters who delivered my belongings after my operation}.


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